STIRLING Council has opened a public consultation following an asset transfer request from East Loch Lomond Community Trust (ELLCT) that calls for the car park at Balmaha Visitor Centre to be managed and run by the community, for the community.

Full documentation and info is available via – and you can email your comments to with Balmaha Car Park Asset Transfer  in the subject line. A print-ready copy of this information along with some details about the ELLCT is available to download in .pdf form here.

BACKGROUND: In October 2020 the ELLCT submitted a request for the asset transfer of the car park as the next phase of a plan initiated with the successful asset transfer request for the former toilet block site adjacent to the car park as identified in Buchanan Action Plan and in line with former community council priorities.

WHY? There are two main reasons why the car park should come under community ownership. Firstly, following Stirling Council’s decision to charge for parking there is no plan to ringfence any of the revenue generated for investment into the area/community. Secondly, lack of resources and other issues has meant Stirling Council has been unable to effectively manage the car park and parking in the area.

HOW? The ELLCT’s business plan – available as part of the consultation at proposes the employment of local people to manage the car park and be immediately responsive to parking issues. It also outlines plans on how the area would be maintained and visitors engaged.

BENEFITS TO THE COMMUNITY: Revenue will support local community projects proposed and decided upon by ELLCT members. Examples of potential projects could be

  • refurbishment of community properties
  • reinstatement of local woodland walks
  • support for all kinds of community projects and organisations

In addition, the project would employ local people and local residents will not be required to pay parking.