THE updated business plan for the community asset transfer request (Balmaha car park) is now with Stirling Council. The decision date is 30 November and unless there is a request for another decision date deferment we should know the outcome then.
- Local Place Plan (LPP) Drop-in Session: The surveys for the LPP and the car park were very similar in the issues which are important for eveyone. On Tuesday 21 November 5–8pm there will be an opportunity to come along to Buchanan Memorial Hall to discuss the survey results and make any additional comments. The LPP is a map based community plan to identify the locations in our area which are are priorities to build a sustainable future.
- Sunday 3 December 5-7pm Christmas tree light switch on: You are invited to come along to Buchanan Memorial Hall for the Christmas lights switch on and then enjoy a get together inside with refreshments and a Christmas Fair. Many thanks to Buchanan Community Hydro Society for the funds.
- Meeting with Minister of Housing: There is a meeting with Paul McLennan MSP, Minister for Housing, Evelyn Tweed, MSP, whose office arranged the meeting, Ronnie MacRae, CEO, Communities Housing Trust, whose ongoing support has helped keep the attention on the development, Rural Stirling Housing Association and the ELLCT to discuss a way to make the economics of the Balmaha site work. The good news is that Scottish Water is upgrading the water treatnment works in Balmaha which could cut costs by approximately £500k and is a very welcome development.