East Loch Lomond Community Trust
EAST Loch Lomond Community Trust (ELLCT) aims to identify and focus on projects of specific relevance and benefit to the area it serves – from Buchanan Smithy, Milton of Buchanan and Balmaha, to Rowardennan and those living in between.
Residents are invited to make suggestions and ideas for community improvements across the east Loch Lomond area using the contact form on this website
EAST Loch Lomond Community trust is governed by local volunteers initially invited to the founding board as trustees to ensure representation from all parts of the ELLCT area and who could bring a diverse range of skills to get the trust off the ground.
The board is be up for re-election at each AGM where members can vote for trustees to take things forward. The current board is made up of the following trustees with guidance from consultant Joe Twaddle:

HAVING worked for the Duke of Montrose for over 40 years trust chairman Walter knows the area well.
He brought his family up in the area and is keen to see more people – especially those who have grown up in east Loch Lomond – able to live here.

ARTHUR has lived in the area since the mid-1990s and spent time as treasurer on the community council.
Having spent more than 20 years working for the national park and the Forestry Commission he is passionate about the area and the outdoors

HAVING been a regular visitor to east Loch Lomond through her childhood, Jennifer returned to do her PHD at the university field station and has lived in the area for more than 15 years.
As well as lecturing at Edinburgh Napier University, Jennifer runs her own environmental consultancy and brings a wealth of ecological experience to the trust.

A FAMILIAR face locally, Sandy has built his family business in Balmaha in the middle of the ELLCT area.
He has lived and worked in the area all his life and has many strong relationships and vital experience which he brings to the trust.

A MILTON of Buchanan resident all her life, Louise has a strong knowledge of Buchanan and the people living in the area.
Working daily with people of all ages, Louise is particularly aware of the needs of young folks across the ELLCT area.

AS SECRETARY, Margaret brings a diverse range of skills to the trust.
A former head teacher, Margaret is a booker and tour manager for a local musician. She is enthusiastic about the area and local community.

BORN and brought up in the area, David is trust treasurer.
He considers himself fortunate to have found affordable accomodation which has allowed him to stay in the area and bring up his own family in East Loch Lomond.

LIVING in Milton of Buchanan since the mid-1990s, retired nurse Maureen brought up her two children in the area.
Maureen’s passion for the health and well-being of the community is particularly appropriate given her 42 years experience with the NHS.
IF you’re a resident in the ELLCT area you can become a member of the trust for fee of just £5 per individual for five years’ membership.
Membership gives you the right to vote for trustees, take part in online polls and suggest projects that will benefit the area.
IMPORTANT: to become a member (or renew your membership) you must pay your £5 subscription (individual membership for five years) by bank transfer to:
Account: East Loch Lomond Community Trust
Sort code: 82-69-07
Account: 10110189
…and use your surname as the reference.
Alternatively, print out and complete this form and drop it off at Balmaha Village Shop with your £5 membership fee (five years’ individual membership).
All membership applications will be checked for eligibility.
If you’re not a resident in the area, you can still keep up to date by joining our mailing list for email newsletter updates.
Use this form to submit your ideas/suggestions for improvements that could enhance the ELLCT area or send a message to the trustees. Communications will be acknowledged within 24 hours: