Activities update – September 2024

ELLCT trustees have been busy on a range of projects. Here are some updates starting with the ongoing Balmaha car park asset transfer request… Balmaha car park asset transfer request (ATR) Community action as detailed below is vital as the ATR is at a crucial...

News update – November 2023

THE updated business plan for the community asset transfer request (Balmaha car park) is now with Stirling Council. The decision date is 30 November and unless there is a request for another decision date deferment we should know the outcome then. Local Place Plan...

September news update…

Although things appear quiet, work carries on behind the scenes. Here’s the lowdown on some current  activities: Footpath: After years of being passed from pillar to post on where responsibilities lie for the footpath between Drymen and Balmaha, Stirling Council...

Local place plan…

EAST Loch Lomond Community Trust (ELLCT) is working with Buchanan Memorial Hall committee and Buchanan well-being group to put together a local place plan for the area and need your help.  Your input is crucial as the local place plan will feed into the park’s...

2023 AGM & agenda

EAST Loch Lomond Community Trust annual general meeting (AGM) is on Wednesday 26 April 2023, 7.30pm at Buchanan Memorial HAll, Milton of Buchanan. The meeting his open to all, but only members can vote. AGENDA Welcome David Mackie, will outline his role and projects...